June, 2021
This paper was researched and produced by Sam Hilton, Research Affiliate at the Centre for the Study of Existential Risk, University of Cambridge, who also provides the Secretariat for the APPG for Future Generations, and Sahil Shah, specialist researcher on food security, ALLFED and Jahn Research.

APPG for Future Generations
February, 2021
This paper was researched and produced by Sam Hilton and Caroline Baylon. In preparing this paper, they draw on both desk research and in-depth interviews with twelve current and former civil servants from across relevant departments, including the Cabinet Office, the Ministry of Defence and Public Health England. These meetings mostly took place in 2019, prior to COVID-19. This paper has forewords written by Graham Stuart MP & Labour frontbench Minister, Bambos Charalambous MP.

APPG for Future Generations
We are running an inquiry into how UK policy making today considers the long-termism. The inquiry is lead by a cross-party steering committee of 5 MPs and 3 Peers and chaired by Bambos Charalambous MP. See the Terms of Reference here.

APPG for Future Generations
March, 2023
In partnership with the Ukrainian Parliament's Inter-factional Union (IFU) "Strategic Foresight for Ukraine" and with strong support from the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Ukraine, the APPG has published a report on scenarios for the rebuilding and reconstruction of Ukraine. It is the result of a six month long exercize which has involved more than tens workshops bringing together dozens of experts.
The Ukrainian Parliament will use these scenarios to stress test some of the policies that they are considering. This will also feed into the work of the National Council for the Recovery of Ukraine from the War.
The paper's lead authors are Caroline Baylon, Research Associate at the Centre for the Study of Existential Risk, University of Cambridge, and Ievgen Kylymnyk, previously the Head of Exploration at the UNDP Accelerator Lab in Ukraine. The project was carried out under the patronage of Viktoriya Podgorna MP and Oleksii Zhmerenetskyi MP, Co-Chairs of the IFU "Strategic Foresight for Ukraine" and Bambos Charalambous MP, Chair of the APPG for Future Generations.
This is part of a wider project between the APPG for Future Generations and the IFU "Strategic Foresight for Ukraine" focused on how to better anticipate and prepare for risks arising from Russian aggression against Ukraine.
Past research
October, 2019
This paper is written to advise members and the secretariat of the APPG on Future Generations about groups calling for improvements to policy making processes in the UK in order to protect future generations, and set out some of the key changes being called for.

APPG for Future Generations
Summer, 2019
This paper was researched and produced by Sam Hilton and Caroline Baylon. In preparing this paper, they draw on both desk research and in-depth interviews with twelve current and former civil servants from across relevant departments, including the Cabinet Office, the Ministry of Defence and Public Health England. These meetings mostly took place in 2019, prior to COVID-19. This paper has forewords written by Graham Stuart MP & Labour frontbench Minister, Bambos Charalambous MP.

APPG for Future Generations
February, 2018
This paper lead to the creation of the APPG. It looks at options for representing future generations in UK policymaking and draws on an analyses case studies from Singapore, Finland, Hungary, Israel, Scotland and Wales.

APPG for Future Generations
If you are an MP, Peer, or Parliamentary staff please get in touch via